Grant Support with Healthy Way Consulting

/ August 11, 2023/ 0 comments

Healthy Way Consulting supports non-profits to fill gaps where they are lacking staff and funds. One of our specialties is providing grant writing support. We understand how time-consuming grant writing can be, so we offer our services to alleviate pressure. Our team has three different grant writing services we offer: (1) Grant Writing; (2) Grant Review & Editing Support; and (3) Mentorship and Capacity Building. Our goal is to support non-profit organizations in the writing of grants to increase the likelihood that their projects are funded. We believe in building long-term relationships and that the work we do provides long-term value to our clients.

For more information about Healthy Way Consulting and our team, see Who We Are.

Experience and Success

Dr Andrew Clark, PhD, owner / operator of Healthy Way Consulting, has over 10 years of grant writing experience in the academic world, with approximately a 50% success rate. He has over 10 years of grant writing experience that he gained as a post-doctoral associate and Senior Project Coordinator at Western University’s Human Environments Analysis Laboratory (HEALab). Dr Clark learned best practices on how to write a winning grant under the guidance of Dr Jason Gililland, one of Western’s leading researchers. Andrew co-wrote or led the writing of 16 grant applications that were submitted to academic, foundation, and community grant programs. While not always successful (no one is successful every time), those grants were able to help raise over $3 million of research funding for the lab. In addition to writing grants, Andrew has also been part of multiple grant review panels, which has allowed him the opportunity to review hundreds of grants, provide feedback, and understand which grants are successful and the type of feedback they receive.

Grant Writing

In our grant writing services, we have an iterative process, where we initially sit down with you to discuss your projects to find the project or idea that is the most fundable. This is a conversation asking questions to find something that best exemplifies your organization and meets the requirements of the grant. We also ask you to provide us previous versions of your grants and the related feedback so we are able to address some of the gaps identified by previous review panels. Once we have established the right approach, we will write the initial draft of the grant. After that you will have the opportunity to provide feedback, contribute to the revisions, and we will continue going back and forth until the grant is written and of the highest quality.

Our goal is to make sure that our clients are happy with the submission. Our fees are based on the work we do, not the success of the grant, and we do not take overhead from the grant. Most grant writing services start at $3,000 and can fluctuate based on the application and research required to write. The only instance that we would take funding from a successful grant, is if we build in future services that will support your work, such as research, evaluations, or technical support.

Grant Review & Editing Support

Maybe you have an internal grant writer that writes all your grants or you are the Executive Director and write the grants yourself, but are struggling to receive these grants. Healthy Way Consulting can be your second pair of eyes on your grant. Starting at $500, we provide support in reviewing and editing grants. Our team will use the evaluation criteria and over a decade of grant experience to review your grant and critically assess the chances of success while providing constructive criticism. In the end, we will help you improve your grant application to highlight the strengths of your project and organization to increase your chances of success of receiving funding.

Mentorship and Capacity Building

One of the greatest strengths of our team is Dr Clark’s extensive experience in teaching, where he has been working for over 20 years as a teaching assistant, professor, and mentor to undergraduate and graduate students at five different University’s and College’s throughout Ontario. Through these experiences, he has worked closely with students to develop applicable skills to the non-profit world, including writing, research, data analysis, and knowledge translation.

In today’s world of tightening budgets and staffing shortages, Healthy Way Consulting provides mentoring services that can help to train you and your staff to build the skills and confidence you need to complete activities outside of your current skill set. Mentorship services can focus on activities such as grant writing, research, program / project evaluation, and technical support. Our approach is to work with you to identify mentorship objectives, provide regular check-ins and meetings, and allow your team to direct what is needed to best support building capacity at your non-profit organization.

Our Values & the Non-Profit Sector

At Healthy Way Consulting, our values align with those of non-profits to help them meet their goals:

  • Social enterprise: A 25% discount for non-profits, no nickel-and-diming, and fair rates without excessive scoping.
  • Versatility: No matter what the needs of your organization and clients are, we will support you in making your process more equitable and efficient.
  • Community: We are dedicated to having a positive impact on the health and well-being of communities and individuals through our work.
  • Empowerment: Empowering organizations to help the community by providing them insight on understanding their client’s needs, lived experiences, and priorities.
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion: Helping organizations support traditionally marginalized and disadvantaged communities due to characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and ability.

Past projects have included conducting an equity evaluation of the City of London’s Neighbourhood Decision Making Program and led the strategic planning process for the Elgin London Middlesex Oxford Active & Safe Routes to School Committee. While at the HEALab, Dr. Clark worked on many community-based projects, such as leading the grant writing, implementation, and evaluation of the Grade 5 ACT-i-Pass, a community-based physical activity intervention program for grade 5 students.   

Contact us

We’re here to help you write a winning grant! If you’re interested in working with us, please contact Dr Andrew Clark at or fill out our contact form.

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